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Preparing for the data-driven future of Pharma

Joint-event between SAP & 1DigitalTrust

The event is sponsored by SAP and 1DigitalTrust and you are invited! See date and venue below. 

It is a physical event about how the Pharma industry can prepare their Customer Data now and in the future!

In Copenhagen, the 28th of September 9:00 to 14:00 at the Restaurant Gemyse

Resume of the Customer Data event

The physical event will focus on how the build and navigate the most successful Customer Data strategy in the Pharma industry. We will take a closer look at how Pharma companies can collect first party data from all sales channels such as website, apps, online chat, customer service, social media, e-mails, newsletter while being able to identify your customers across all channels and gather the data in one single customer profile. In this way you will be able to create the most personalized customer experience for every single HCP and patient while collecting consent and being compliant at the same time.

 According to McKinsey, the Pharma companies who are focusing on Omnichannel and Customer Experience sees an uplift in revenue of up to 5-10% and cost savings on 10-20% in marketing due to efficiency gains. This contrasts with over 70% of HCPs want to have more digital engagement, and over half find the received communication as low quality or spam. 

At last, we will also look into how many industries and companies are at a crossroads. Here, a decision must be made as to whether they will continue to evolve with trends and technologies in the future or whether they will carry on as they always have and thus miss out on an important momentum.

Time and date

  • Wednesday 28th of September at Restaurant Gemyse, Tivoli, Vesterbrogade 3, 1620 København. 09.00 – 14.00


  • 9.00 – 9.30 Register, Croissants, Juice & Coffee
  • 9.30 – 9.45 Introduction and Customer Data Quiz
  • 9.45 – 10.05 Why is Customer Data so important within the Pharma industry?
  • 10.05 – 10.55 The future collaboration on customer data with Pharma, HCPs and Patients
  • 10.55 – 11.10 Break
  • 11.10 – 12.05 Customer Data challenges and opportunities within HCPs and patients.
  • 12.05 – 12.20 How do you best manage Customer Data within the Pharma industry? 
  • 12.20 – 12.30 Wrap up
  • 12.30 – 14:00 Lunch at restaurant Gemyse  

Featured speakers

Troels Lindgård

Troels Lindgård

Partner, 1DigitalTrust

Troels is a Customer Data and Consent Specialist from 1DigitalTrust which is a partner of SAP. He advises large companies within the two areas both for Sweden and Denmark.

Nick Sohnemann

Nick Sohnemann


Nick is a futurist who help companies on how to prepare for the future challenges. As a passionate keynote speaker beyond the mainstream, he shakes you awake. The digital tornado is shaking up all industries. Through the mixture of scientifically based facts and concrete company cases, the buzzwords digitalization, disruption, and the Internet of Things get practical relevance with Nick.

Moses Kløverpris

Moses Kløverpris

Digital Transformation

Moses is Pharma customer data expert with great knowledge within Customer Data both for Health care professionals (HCP) and patients. Moses is combining his experience from both pharma such as Novo Nordisk, with his experience from customer data in retail, from companies such as Pandora. His advisory brings tangible and easy to implement solutions to help Pharma with the digital challenges on customer data.

Tobias Johansson

Tobias Johansson

Customer Data Expert, SAP

Tobias is a Customer Data expert from SAP. Tobias is specialized in how a company is building and collecting Customer Data. On a daily base he helps large companies in Sweden and Denmark with handling their Customer Data and creating a productive strategy.

Target group

Event takeaways

Companies within Pharma. 




  • Get insight on how pharma companies are collecting Customer Data today and what opportunities you have as a company to get started to build a more productive strategy for your Customer Data landscape.
  • Collect knowledge from experienced people who developed and implemented Customer Data strategies in companies as Bavarian Nordic.
  • Get insight on how the future collaboration will develop between Pharma companies, HCPs and Patients when it comes to Customer Data.
  • Last, how will you best handle the challenges of Customer Data now and in the future within the Pharma industry and implement the right strategy.

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Want to know more?

For further information about this webinar or solutions for SAP Compliance and SAP Cybersecurity, please contact Troels Lindgård, Partner in 1DigitalTrust via the contact form or directly at +45 5363 5787

Troels Lindgård

Troels Lindgård

Partner i 1DigitalTrust

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