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Benchmark your digital customer journey

Looking to expand your market position? Get our benchmark and get to know where you are ahead of your competitors and where you need to improve your company’s digital customer journey.

This benchmark covers

For too many companies, the digital customer journey is a relatively new but important field to have expert knowledge about, as more and more business has moved online.

As it is a rather new discipline, it can also be difficult to know which factors that are most important, when you want to design a productive and successful digital customer journey.

To help you get a better understanding, 1DigitalTrust has recently concluded a Nordic survey, based on response from companies in the nordics. The survey is one of the most comprehensive of its kind.

The conclusions give you a solid overview and shows you which factors, that are most important, when you design your digital customer journey.

We’ve gathered some of the conclusions of the Nordic survey in this fremium presentation.

Want to know more?

We would very much like to have a dialogue with you and reveal all the conclusions in a meeting or a conference call with you.

Please fill in your details below.

We will return quickly to arrange a date, so you can get all the conclusions and be updated on how to create successful digital customer journeys. The presentation is free of charge.

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Or, we can give you a call if you prefer

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1DigitalTrust A/S

Kollemosevej 40B, 2830 Virum, Denmark


1DigitalTrust Sweden AB

Bronsåldersvägen 5, Åstorp 265 32, Sweden


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