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Customer Data is the battlefield of the future

Is your company ready for Cookie Apocalypse?

In 2023 Google will phase out Cookies as Google has been criticized for invading internet users privacy. Therefore, Google have decided to remove cookies permanently and companies will no longer be able to collect third party data.


Webinar invitation Tuesday 12th of May 2022 starting 10.00 – 11.00 am CEST

The webinar covers

In 2023 Google will phase out Cookies as Google has been criticized for invading internet users privacy. Therefore, Google have decided to remove cookies permanently and companies will no longer be able to collect third party data.

Now companies need to develop their own solid strategy of how to collect zero- and first party data from their customers while respecting their privacy. 

Moreover, we will take a closer look at how Pharma companies can collect first party data from all sales channels such as website, apps, online chat, customer service, social media, e-mails, newsletter while being able to identify your customers across all channels and gather that data in one single customer profile. In this way you will be able to create the most personalized customer experience for each customer of yours.

Time and date

The webinar will take place Tuesday 12th of May 2022, 10.00 – 11.00 CEST.


Why is Customer Data so important within the Pharma industry?

  • Customer Data trends and tendencies within Pharma
  • What can the Pharma industry learn from the Retail industry about Customer Data?


Customer Data challenges and opportunities within HCPs and patients.

  • What is the difference between Customer Data within HCPs and patients?
  • How do you handle the two different disciplines and ecosystems as a Pharma company?
  • Why is it so important to identify your customers across all sales channels?
  • Why is Consent Management important across all sales channels?


How do you best manage Customer Data within the Pharma industry?

  • Which opportunities are there to collect and use Customer Data in the Pharma industry across all sales channels?

Featured speakers

Troels Lindgård

Troels Lindgård

Partner, 1DigitalTrust

Troels is a compliance and Consent Management specialist advising several large companies in Denmark.

Moses Kløverpris

Moses Kløverpris

Dawn Health, VP & General Manager – Projects & Consultancy (Nordics)

With great knowledge within the Pharma industry and Customer Data both for Health care professionals (HCP) and patients, Moses advises Pharma companies as a General Manager for Dawn Health.

Tobias Johansson

Tobias Johansson

Customer Data Expert, SAP

Tobias is a specialist in how to build and collect customer data and he has helped numerous of large companies in Sweden and Denmark.

Target group

Webinar takeaways

Pharma companies

Compliance Managers & Directors

Marketing Directors & Marketing Managers

Head of Digital




  • As a participant in this webinar, you will gain a better understanding of the importance of zero- and first party data are and the value of collecting these data.
  • You will understand better how to prepare for the Cookie Apocalypse.
  • You will be able to start a successful roadmap with 1DigitalTrust and SAP in collecting Customer Data and be compliant at the same time.

Register now

Want to know more?

For further information about this webinar or solutions for SAP Compliance and SAP Cybersecurity, please contact Troels Lindgård, Partner in 1DigitalTrust via the contact form or directly at +45 5363 5787

Troels Lindgård

Troels Lindgård

Partner i 1DigitalTrust

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